由廣告模特兒出身的 KAYAN9896 擁有精緻臉蛋、開朗個性,有不少硬照拍攝的經驗;而從拍《點五步》開始踏入演藝圈的 LOCKER 則具備幽默個性和觀察力,亦有備受肯定的演戲經驗。兩人的黃金時期碰上網媒平台掘起之時,兩年前加入香港實驗性的人氣創意頻道〈試當真 Trial & Error〉。〈試當真〉成為他們的轉捩點,它一個自由創作和自我探索的地方,更被 LOCKER 視為自我修練的場所:「舊時代電視台有木人巷訓練藝人,而〈試當真〉就是新的木人巷。」。
〈試當真〉名符其實地是「試著把一切當成真」,由一個客廳、四部電腦,一齊度橋、拍片、剪片,到搞笑短片《唔通佢有男朋友》的播出讓 KAYAN 和 LOCKER 一炮而紅,甚至撮合了二人,現在拍拖、拍戲、拍時裝照,互相鼓勵;互相指教,這都是意想不到的收獲。

On Kayan /
Serpenti 18K white gold necklace with pavé diamonds
Serpenti 18 kt white gold earrings set with a blue sapphire on the head, emerald eyes and pavé diamonds
Serpenti 18 kt white gold ring set with pavé diamonds
Serpenti Viper two-coil 18 kt white gold ring set with pavé diamonds
All from bvlgari
On Locker/
Serpenti slim necklace in 18 kt white gold, set with full pavé diamonds
Serpenti ring in 18 kt white gold with blue sapphire, emeralds and pavé diamonds
B.zero1 Design Legend four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold and white ceramic
Serpenti 18 kt white gold ring set with pavé diamonds (3.72 ct) and two emerald eyes
Serpenti 18 kt white gold bracelet set with emerald eyes and pavé diamonds (1.74 ct)
All from bvlgari
當初是怎樣加入〈試當真 Trial & Error〉?可以回顧當時的情景嗎?
LOCKER:在〈試當真〉在開台一個月前,遊學修打電話給我,說未來將會拍 YOUTUBE,拍一些即興、搞笑的影片,覺得適合我。當時我還在咖啡台做兼識,就答應了他,更問他可不可以做埋幕後,剪片賺錢,咁我就可以辭了當時的工作全職投入〈試當真〉。那時候很好玩的,舊 STUDIO 是一個住所,大家擠在那裡每天叫外賣,想到什麼就拍攝,拍完就剪,一個客廳、四部電腦,一齊剪片。
對於大家視試當真《唔通佢有男朋友》是 KAYAN 的成名作,你們有什麼想法?
LOCKER:我覺得好好,啊修好叻。佢很懂得將我們當成商品一樣推銷,例如《唔通佢有男朋友》是我很新的影片,他會怕太多演技我會應付不到,或者觀眾接受不到,所以那個作品我是演一個做內心讀白的人,做一些表情。至於 KAYAN 就當然厲害了,SELL 靚女,最後又殺出一個啊哥,整段影片計算得好好,這個成名作好好,而且撮合了我們也好好。(笑)

On Locker/
Serpenti 18 kt white gold ring set with pavé diamonds (3.72 ct) and two emerald eyes
Serpenti ring in 18 kt white gold with blue sapphire, emeralds and pavé diamonds
All from bvlgari

on kayan/
Serpenti earrings in 18 kt white gold set with pavé diamonds (5.27 ct)
all From bvlgari
KAYAN:它是香港一個娛樂的選擇,也告訴大家「沒有事是沒可能」,可能大家對網絡影片固有的概念和印像就只能是 YOUTUBE CHANNEL,但我們打破了很多框框,可能在電視出現、電影出現,甚至在一個大 SHOW 上出現!

on locker/
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold necklace set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds (1.37 ct) on the pendant
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold bracelet set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds
B.zero1 two-band ring in 18 kt rose gold with matte black ceramic
B.zero1 Design Legend four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold and white ceramic
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold ring set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds
B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in 18 kt yellow gold with studded spiral and pavé diamonds on the edges
B.zero1 Rock four-band ring in 18 kt yellow gold with studded spiral and pavé diamonds on the edges
All from bvlgari

On kayan/
Serpenti 18K white gold necklace with pavé diamonds
Serpenti 18 kt white gold earrings set with a blue sapphire on the head, emerald eyes and pavé diamonds
All from bvlgari
LOCKER:我猜大家最喜歡的應該是早排的《裝傻的 LOCKER》,而我自己最鍾意的是《槍王之王2021》,因為太好玩了。

on locker/
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold necklace set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds (1.37 ct) on the pendant
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold bracelet set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds
B.zero1 two-band ring in 18 kt rose gold with matte black ceramic
B.zero1 Design Legend four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold and white ceramic
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold ring set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds
B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in 18 kt yellow gold with studded spiral and pavé diamonds on the edges
B.zero1 Rock four-band ring in 18 kt yellow gold with studded spiral and pavé diamonds on the edges
All from bvlgari

On kayan/
Serpenti 18K white gold necklace with pavé diamonds
Serpenti 18 kt white gold earrings set with a blue sapphire on the head, emerald eyes and pavé diamonds
All from bvlgari
喜劇演員、搞笑網片這些定位有沒有限制了 LOCKER 在電影演出上的角色?你又怎樣平衡?
LOCKER:沒有的,沒有限制的。其實喜劇是很難做的,喜劇演員需要一些天生的節奏和特質讓觀眾覺得好笑,但其實要做喜劇是要 COMMENT 一些正劇或正在發生的問題,才能將它放大,變成喜劇,當可能當中也是一悲劇。這些搞笑、開心就是網片或廣告經常會做的角色。電影方面,香港電影很少喜劇,而且當演電影時就不會把這個 LOCKER 放進去。我也將有部電影飾演一個比較沉重的角色,即將上映,大家又可以留意一下了。平衡方面,我也沒有特別思考怎樣平衡,即使是喜劇演員也值得高興,在這個時代,能帶給觀眾喜悅,使命感也很大。
LOCKER 是演員,KAYAN 是模特兒。近年大家在演出上多了很多新嘗試,你們平日又會互相指教或審視演出的嗎?
KAYAN:會的。其實這件事經常發生,LOCKER 是個很有經驗的演員,而每次我有任何演出的疑問,或需要求助、指導時,總是第一個找 LOCKER,因為佢會明白我在演戲上的難處,亦會好有耐性的指導我,我覺得自己比較笨,理解能力也不好,在他面前就不怕發問了,而他平時做開戲,很少扮 POSE(笑),最近多了機會,他也叫我教他擺 POSE。

On Kayan /
Serpenti slim necklace in 18 kt white gold, set with full pavé diamonds
Serpenti 18 kt white gold ring set with pavé diamonds (3.72 ct) and two emerald eyes
Serpenti Viper two-coil 18 kt white gold ring set with pavé diamonds
All from bVlgari
On Locker/
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold bracelet set with blue sapphire eyes, malachite elements and pavé diamonds
B.zero1 two-band ring in 18 kt rose gold with matte black ceramic
B.zero1 Design Legend four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold and black ceramic
B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in 18 kt yellow gold with studded spiral and pavé diamonds on the edges
All from Bvlgari
KAYAN 成為了時裝寵兒,自己最喜歡的時裝風格其實是怎樣?
KAYAN:我平時也很喜歡扮靚、打扮,我最喜歡的時裝風格是 STREET FASHION,或一些簡約的服裝,通常是淨色或顏色上的配搭,鍾意偏歐美型格的風格,可以展示身材的衣服,例如 CROP TOP、V NECK、低腰牛仔褲等等,因為青春的時候就應該展露一下青春的身材。(笑)
用三個字形容 BVLGARI 給你的感覺,解釋一下為什麼?
KAYAN:CLASSIC、FIERCE、COLORFUL,因為 Bvlgari 珠寶設計融合了經典和摩登,也用了不同顏色的石搭配,用蛇的形象做珠寶,有種神秘和兇猛的感覺。
LOCKER:ANSON LO,第一時間會想起他;第二個字就是很貴,有次和 KAYAN 逛街想去看看才發現這樣貴;第三個字就是很型。

on kayan/
Serpenti Viper 18 kt rose gold necklace set with demi-pavé diamonds
DIVAS’ DREAM earrings in 18 kt rose gold set with a diamond and pavé diamonds
Serpenti 18 kt rose gold bracelet set with rubellite eyes and pavé diamonds (1.09 ct)
Serpenti bracelet in 18 kt rose gold, set with rubellite eyes and demi pavé diamonds on the head and the tail
Serpenti Viper two-coil 18 kt rose gold ring set with pavé diamonds.
Serpenti Viper two-coil 18 kt rose gold ring set with demi-pavé diamonds
Serpenti Viper 18 kt rose gold ring set with malachite elements and pavè diamonds
Serpenti Viper band ring in 18 kt rose gold set with demi pavé diamonds
Serpenti Viper two-coil 18 kt rose gold bracelet set with pavé diamonds
all from bvlgari

LOCKER:我未想過,因為未戴過上身,他竟是很 HIGH BRAND,我想像不到能不能配搭 CASUAL WEAR,哈哈要試試先!
KAYAN:想自己導演自己的 MV,因為今年的嘗試過做演員、剪片和唱歌,如果未試過的話,就可以是導演吧!