雖然今次沒有真理之口震撼登場,但Jolin同樣身穿中國設計師Sensen Lii的橘色鮮豔連身裙以及Villa XRWA的天藍印花連身裙配搭。你問筆者如何形容怪誕與超現實的Sensen Lii,也許他就是那位最懂色彩衝突的人。當遇上論求實驗性質為主的Villa XRWA以及灸手可熱的新晉品牌SHUSHU/TONG,成功打造出瘋狂極致的Jolin。蔡依林攜著全新造型霸氣歸來同時,你會否與筆者一樣好奇到底是誰打造天馬行空造型呢?
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Villa XRWA fashion designers Xinru Du and Melanie Weiai Mao started out with clothes, they are also experimenting with the boundaries of fashion and art. What criteria should be used to define the attributes and values of an article when the concepts of art, commodity, fashion and costume are increasingly blurred?
Artistic creation has changed in modern times. Artists do not pursue “beauty” and “enjoyment” as artistic purposes, but try to pass on, reflect themselves or events as a starting point. The new media as the tool of ideological communication has become the creative method of modern artists. Traditional pigments are not symbols of paintings or artwork. A creative work that aims at conveying the creators’ theory of thought is a product of art in a non-commercial nature. The commercial nature is also difficult to define, in some groups of people, the price is often an important measure of the quality of art, and even art investment has become an important fixed asset in the hands of the elite, artists to sell for the purpose of the nature of the creation is closely related to the survival of artists. Art galleries are gradually opened to the public free of charge; reprints of masterpieces can be found everywhere in ordinary life; and those who do not communicate with literary and artistic personages can also tell the names of artists. In the contemporary era when art infiltrates the masses at the bottom, art, design, and even science, similarly transform “self” into “creation”, but end up with different definitions.
掌鏡的正正是時裝界當紅攝影師Zhong Lin 以及時尚造型師Yii。先說前者,你仔細留意會發現醜美時尚向來是Zhong Lin的拿手好戲。受到台灣當紅女星小S 徐熙娣比喻為超屌的攝影師到底有什麼神奇技倆?你看看小S這輯同樣以挑戰審美世界的醜美時尚照,以及早前為台灣藝人文琪拍攝的Marie Clarie封面照,你大概明白為何大家會迷戀Zhong Lin的美學世界。
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